

A simple and customizable personalized home page for any browser. Acts as a both a one-click portal for all of your links, favorites, projects and etc. as well as a dashboard for all of your RSS feeds and calender events (synced via Google).


Photo-Acoustic Translation

Initially aimed at the development of an experimental and educational application to provide a superficial understanding of the neurological disorder and perceptual phenomenon synesthesiaDeveloped on Python, this application receives an acoustic input that is processed into a mean frequency value (Hz) on the audible acoustic spectrum. This value is then translated into a colour frequency value (aligning the audible acoustic spectrum with the visible  electromagnetic spectrum) which is then processed in RGB to an actual colour output, thus creating a real-time translator of audio to colour. 

Note: while this does provide a very basic analogy to the phenomenon that synthesiacs experience, the reality is that this disorder is currently very poorly understood and the connections between sensual inputs and outputs are far more complicated (and possibly random) than this application has simplified.