Os Mbya do Brasil e o desconhecimento de suas origens Ao se falar do povo indígena Guarani, é importante se ter em mente toda a sua abrangência pela América  Latina. Isto porque este povo reúne uma multidão de tribos e aldeias que estão localizadas ao longo do território Amazônico e Boliviano. Estendem-se, inclusive, até próximo à Patagônia, percorrendo todo o litoral atlântico e alcançando países … Continue reading O GUARANI

INTERSTELLAR | A Thought Experiment on the Dangers of Industrial Agriculture

Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar presents a serious warning to humanity, and far from simply being a visual masterpiece of science fiction, it raises critical questions about the relationship between society, agriculture and the environment. From the film’s bleak portrayal of humanity’s place in a tarnished near-future version of Earth to their ultimate escape from it, the film touches on topics such as industrial agriculture, overconsumption of … Continue reading INTERSTELLAR | A Thought Experiment on the Dangers of Industrial Agriculture

TRASH | My Time as a Kitchen Rat

Working in the restaurant industry (the kitchen line in particular), there are three things that you come to learn very quickly: The best way to get a break is to take up a cigarette habit The primary method of communication is either by (a) screaming demands across the restaurant or (b) sending passive-aggressive comments to the kitchen via chit The waste management system is generally … Continue reading TRASH | My Time as a Kitchen Rat

On the Intersectionality of Race, Poverty and Environmental Quality

Environmental degradation often accompanies conditions of poverty, and due to a complex history of racial subjugation within Western society, ethnic minorities are more likely to live in such conditions and thus tend to be impacted most significantly. Furthermore, elitist memberships of environmental organizations have historically excluded minorities – since environmental degradation impacts minorities most significantly and society tends to treat issues affecting minorities with lower … Continue reading On the Intersectionality of Race, Poverty and Environmental Quality

UPDATE: The Sounds of Space | FRB 121102 & Interview

For anyone mildly interested in Astronomy, Physics, or the universe in general, chances are that you’ve seen the words fast radio burst appearing in recent news at a frequency rivalling even that of our ever-dominating political circus. For anyone not following these headlines; one particular radio burst, FRB 121102, originally thought to be merely a high-energy explosion of an astronomical object, has now not only been pinpointed … Continue reading UPDATE: The Sounds of Space | FRB 121102 & Interview

The Sounds of Space | FRB 121102

Fast Radio Bursts (or FRBs) have been piquing the interest of scientists and UFOlogists alike since the first observed signal in 2007 due to their extragalactic and otherwise unknown origin. While initially discovered through archived data dating back to 2001, we’ve now begun actively monitoring (via SETI – Breakthrough Initiative and others) for these bursts and despite mostly limited success, the first live signal (FRB 150418) … Continue reading The Sounds of Space | FRB 121102